Do you know a student who obsesses about coding, science, sales, or creating things? Or do you know a young person already forging ahead in a business they dreamed up and couldn't stop themselves from starting?
Junior Achievement of the Middletown Area, Inc. is proud to announce the inaugural year of the “18 Under Eighteen: Career in Sight” recognition award. There are 16 Career Clusters used to identify career pathways. This award will celebrate young leaders in the JA Middletown Area school districts who are making their mark through their entrepreneurial spirit, leadership, and service in their Career Cluster pathway. These traits are the foundation of the Junior Achievement program, and we wish to recognize young leaders who are working hard toward their dreams.
Who is eligible?
Nominations are open to anyone who will be 18 or younger during the 2024-2025 school year. Each student can apply for one or two Career Cluster areas of interest. If two career clusters are chosen, the student must submit a separate video/essay response for each career cluster. We are looking for students who illustrate leadership, community involvement, and have the skills and qualities that will positively impact their field, community, and the lives of others. Nominees must reside* within the JA Middletown Area school districts:
- Carlisle Local School District
- Edgewood City School District
- Franklin City School District
- Lebanon City School District
- Madison Local School District
- Middletown City School District
- Monroe Local School District
- Springboro Community City School District
- Valley View Local School District
- Wayne Local School District
*Private school and homeschooled students residing within these school districts are eligible.
Involvement in JA programs is not required; however, involvement in JA programs is considered favorably during the evaluation process.
The deadline for applications has been extended to November 8, 2024 at 11:59pm.
To purchase tickets or become a sponsor for the JA 18 Under Eighteen: Career in Sight awards ceremony February 2025 at Miami University Middletown, please click the "Sponsor" button on the right!
For additional information, please contact maria.langendorf@ja.org.
What is the process after an application is submitted?
All applications will be reviewed by a panel of experts in each Career Cluster field. Students chosen to advance to the interview process will be informed of the interview times on November 19, 20, or 21, 2024. If a student selects two desired career pathways, they will be asked about each career cluster in the same interview.There will be one student selected from each of the 16 Career Clusters. There is an opportunity for more than one student to be selected from one career cluster, totaling 18 finalists.
What will “18 under Eighteen: Career in Sight” Honorees receive?
- Public recognition of their accomplishments through a variety of media
- Professional development tools, including a headshot and mentor contacts
- Possible work-based experiences with JA partners, including job shadowing
- An awards ceremony where Honorees will be recognized for their achievements
November 8, 2024: Applications DueNovember 1-11, 2024: Notification of interview selection
November 19-21, 2024: Interviews
December 2024: Notification of Honorees (The nomination process has been delayed, so no one was selected on December 1st. Check your email for immediate updates.)
January 16, 2025: Leadership Event for Honorees
February 11, 2025: Award Ceremony & Gala
Career Clusters
- Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
- Architecture & Construction
- Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communications
- Business Management & Administration
- Education & Training
- Finance
- Government & Public Administration
- Health Science
- Hospitality & Tourism
- Human Services
- Information Technology
- Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security
- Manufacturing
- Marketing
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
- Transportation, Distribution & Logistics